분류 전체보기 385

Understanding on Contextualization for Mission-Centered Leadership (사명 중심의 리더십 상황화 이해)

Understanding on Contextualization for Mission-Centered Leadership (사명 중심의 리더십 상황화 이해) 이승만의 대한민국 건국 뉴 리더십 책에 쓴 현대 리더들의 리더십 뿌리 -영어 소논문. As evangelist John Robert Walmsley Stott claimed the broader mission view including evangelism and social activities, holistic mission approach was opened. Christians were thought as having a great influence through evangelical activities and social activities if..

리더십-지도력 2019.10.07

Commands by Korea Keepers Patriots in U. S. to the Top Position Leader(Moon) of the Republic of Korea

Commands by Korea Keepers Patriots in U. S. to the Top Position Leader(Moon) of the Republic of Korea There was no power over liberty and truth in human history. So did in Roman power era, medieval darkness era, and Soviet communism era. Now that communist North Korea will be judged fantastically on earth and will make a revelatory extinction as if it were leaving the sequel to..

리더십-지도력 2019.10.07