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석학들을 모신 선교학 박사 목회학 박사과정 선교적 교회 세미나

ULI 2014. 6. 7. 15:07


Missional Church: 선교적 교회 세미나 LA

Ecclesiology for Mission Based on the Gospel of St. John (r)


Intensive Course: 집중수업(6th - 9th July 2014 / 6th - pm4:00-9:00, 7th-9th - am8:00-pm7:00)

강사 Professors:

Dr. John Hoi C. Kim (LA President, D. Min. at PTS, D. Miss at GTS, 서울신대, ABSW선교학 교수, 어거스틴의 하나님의 도성 분석, 선교신학 흐름, 어머니영성, 사도영성 6권저자) (12h): Sunday Eve, Tues PM, Wed AM)

1.  Missional Church   2. Missional Ecclesiology Based on the St. John’s Gospel     3.Ecclesiology of St. Augustine’s City of God 

  1. Dr. Moses B. Lee (Ph. D. in Intercultural Studies, Th. M., MA at Fuller, President of King’s Divinity School) (10h): Monday AM 8:00-PM 7:00)

  1.  1. Biblical Foundation on Mission

  2. Donald W. Dayton (Chair Professor of STU, Ph. D. at U Chicago. Drew University, Asbury, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and Azusa Pacific University 교수역임, Discovering an Evangelical Heritage, 오순절 운동의 신학적 뿌리 12 저자) (4h): Tuesday AM 8:30-12:  통역제공 (Rev. Jonathan Y. Chung)

  1.   1.Changing Approaches of Modern Church


 Dr. Chang B. Lee (Ph. D. in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures & MA at UCLA. Th. M at Fuller. ITS, 에반겔리아 구약교수, Ellis R. Brotzman. Old Testament Textual Criticism 이창배 . 구약 본문비평의 이론과 실제) (3h): Tuesday PM 1:15-4:00

1.  Ecclesiology Based on the O.T.

 Dr. Terrace Curtis (President of SRTCS. Former President of Houston Graduate School of Theology. Trainer of Personal Evangelism) (6h): Wednesday PM 1:15-7:00       통역제공 (Dr. Kyoung J. Kim Ph. D)

  1.    1. Trends of Church View for Mission in Modern Era

  1.    a. Trends of Church view in Modern Era,                         

           b.  Transforming of Cell Group Churches and House Churches in Contrast to the Traditional Church


  2. 첨부파일 Missional Church 수업 내용 7월 6일-9일.pdf